Wednesday, November 24, 2004

National Treasure

I only saw this movie because a friend of mine works for Disney and got me sneak preview tickets.

This movie is really not very good. It rips off "the DaVinnci Code" almost to a "T". If the DaVinnci Code had never existed this might have been alright. But two very big thumbs down to Disney......bad form......Don't steal ideas from good books that are coming out with a movie soon. Thats kinda bullshit. And if your going to do it....Don't carbon copy it. Someone should sue them.

So about the movie.....Just read the DaVinnci Code and forget that National Tresure even existed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Band of the Week

Band of the Week.—Against Me!
Song of the Band of the Week—The Disco Before The Breakdown
Album of the Band of the Week—As the Eternal Cowboy

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Good Songs Revisited

Here are some of my choice good songs. This of course is not every good song I know...just the ones I can think of at this momnet.

Whembly - Candyskins
Cooking Wine - Alkaline Trio
The Bitter End - Hot Water Music
Like the Angel - Rise Against
Farsighted - Five Iron Frenzy
Alec Eiffel - Pixies
Temptation - New Order
Turkish Song of the Damned - The Pouges
Love to Hate You - Erasure
Everything Evil - Coheed and Cambria
Ana Ng - They Might Be Giants
Pints of Guiness Make You Strong - Against Me!
Make this a Holiday - Small Brown Bike
80 - GreenDay
Just One Day - Anything Box
Little Time Bomb - Billy Bragg
Never Be Me - Blood or Whiskey
A Year in the Past, Forever in the Future - Grade
Dissorder - Goldfinger
Get the Time - Descendets
Katie - Marbel
Keep On Keepin On - Redskins
No Easy Way Out - The River City Rebels
Blindfolded - Saves the Day
What Difference Does it Make - The Smiths
Ocean - The Pietasters w/ Dickie Barrett
Sunset on 32nd St. - Stike Anywhere
Sasquahanna Hat Company - Too Much Joy
True Zero - Zero Zero
The Melting Point of Wax - Thrice
Back and to the Left - Texas is the Reason
Safe Boating - The Pavers
Scary Sad - All
Clampdown - The Clash

Alright.....I could go on for a long we'll leave it here and pick up later.....Maybe I'll do Good Albums....hmmmm

Friday, November 05, 2004


The midwest has decided this election based on "Moral Values" short the fear of homosexuals and abortions. Well, lets ask ourselves a question....when your sitting on the subway in New York City and there is a gay couple sitting across from you, a woman going to get an abortion on the right and a an Arb Muslim with a look of hatered in his eyes, a backpack filled to the brim with god knows what and hes chanting something in Arabic on the left.....who do you fear most? To me, the crazed Muslim is scariest. Yes, thats right...I'm fucking scared to death of him. Not the queers or the woman with a difficult decision to make. Oh, wait.....I'm sorry don't have to deal with that. Of course you wouldn't know what that was like.....I'm so stupid...yeah, ok it all makes sense now...Every state with the highest level of terrorist striking probability voted in a landslide against Bush, and all those who are tucked away in their suburbs or their houses back in the woods with the guys from deliverence voted for him...Of course the rest of us don't matter to you....terrorism happens in a world far away from yours. FUCKING WAKE UP! WE'RE HERE TOO AND WE ARE SUFFERING! YOU HAVE JUST COMMITTED MURDER! ITS ON YOUR HANDS! And let me tell you something. Back when our fore fathers fled Europe it was because of the religeous persecution and they stated that this country would not stand for a single minded one religeous government. That CHURCH SHOULD BE SEPERATED FROM STATE. But, you've forgotten all your history. Well, you know what they say about that. "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it". Every country that has ever made political decesions based on religeous beliefs has failed. We are in a world of shit now. I'm so dissappointed in America. She is not what she was ment to be. We are no longer a place of admiration....We are a country whose decisions are based on the beliefs of idiots. Now, don't get me wrong...I believe in God and I worship him in my own way, and I so believe that church is wonderful place of worship but I don't think it should be involved in politics. From the dawn of time we have made this mistake and failed each and every time. Wake up and change.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

From this day forward......

the days will be dark.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What is wrong with AMERIKA?????

My rhetoric may be a little scattered today due to an overwhelming since of anger......yes I'm angry that a viscious warlord is still in controll of our country. First, I'll start with this.....Why was Bush not impeached during his first term???? I suppose taking a country to war based on nothing but lies and then lying about the fact that you lied and then smirking it off as no big deal, as well as murdering thousands of innocent people, is much less an atrocity against the American people as say.... well, Clinton getting a blow job. Hmmm.....Um....hello???? Is any body out there? Can America hear me? Are your heads just empty?

Well, so Bush won this election because of his moral values. Good for him, glad to see that God is on Bush's side....maybe we should all go around and murder people and tell lies and then we can be just as blessed as he is. So a country that is fueled by the seperation of church and state is making a stand on morality. Can you be any more hypocritical. I can't stand you people anymore. Your driving me insane.

Lets touch on a simple moral subject......abortion. listen, its not your stay out of it. You want to argue that its an abomination of God...well, in the Bible it states that you have free will, your own agency so to speak. It also states that humans are not to judge one another.....remember that whole "if you have no sin then cast the first stone" story? Well, then.....shut up! If a woman wants to make "her" own decision to have an abortion....and a doctor wants to make "their" own decision to give it....then its between them and God. You need to take your eyes off of them and watch your kids for two minutes cause their smoking crack out in the ally behind my apartment.

Second subject. Same sex marriage.....again, not your body....stay out of it. You do not have the right to make decisions for other people. Its between them, their partners and God. Let it go...and get your fucking kids out of my back ally!

That fact that American people don't think that getting lied to and sent to a far away country to die is not reason enough to get some new leadership is beyond me. The world looks at us as a people who carefully select our now terrorist or going to be like...."well, they voted him in again.....must mean that they like him and the things that he stands, blow em' up." The blood of innocent people is now covering your hands....all you who voted for the redneck loose cannon who couldn't find is asshole with both hands and a map, who cannot pronounce words that he hears every day, empire building facist liar.

Your morality only goes as far as your pea brain, follower mentality lets it. Open up your eyes, your ears and your heart. You'll then see that you made a wrong choice. I hope that we are all still around when its over.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Let me say this....Sanswiches from a NYC deli are the best......the sandwich I'm currently eating is 4" tall (mostly meat) and 8" in diameter. Thats one hell of a sandwich. And you can't get any better than Boar's Head deli meat. Damn this thing is good.