The midwest has decided this election based on "Moral Values" ......in short the fear of homosexuals and abortions. Well, lets ask ourselves a question....when your sitting on the subway in New York City and there is a gay couple sitting across from you, a woman going to get an abortion on the right and a an Arb Muslim with a look of hatered in his eyes, a backpack filled to the brim with god knows what and hes chanting something in Arabic on the left.....who do you fear most? To me, the crazed Muslim is scariest. Yes, thats right...I'm fucking scared to death of him. Not the queers or the woman with a difficult decision to make. Oh, wait.....I'm sorry Midwest....you don't have to deal with that. Of course you wouldn't know what that was like.....I'm so stupid...yeah, ok it all makes sense now...Every state with the highest level of terrorist striking probability voted in a landslide against Bush, and all those who are tucked away in their suburbs or their houses back in the woods with the guys from deliverence voted for him...Of course the rest of us don't matter to you....terrorism happens in a world far away from yours. FUCKING WAKE UP! WE'RE HERE TOO AND WE ARE SUFFERING! YOU HAVE JUST COMMITTED MURDER! ITS ON YOUR HANDS! And let me tell you something. Back when our fore fathers fled Europe it was because of the religeous persecution and they stated that this country would not stand for a single minded one religeous government. That CHURCH SHOULD BE SEPERATED FROM STATE. But, you've forgotten all your history. Well, you know what they say about that. "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it". Every country that has ever made political decesions based on religeous beliefs has failed. We are in a world of shit now. I'm so dissappointed in America. She is not what she was ment to be. We are no longer a place of admiration....We are a country whose decisions are based on the beliefs of idiots. Now, don't get me wrong...I believe in God and I worship him in my own way, and I so believe that church is wonderful place of worship but I don't think it should be involved in politics. From the dawn of time we have made this mistake and failed each and every time. Wake up and change.
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