Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What is wrong with AMERIKA?????

My rhetoric may be a little scattered today due to an overwhelming since of anger......yes I'm angry that a viscious warlord is still in controll of our country. First, I'll start with this.....Why was Bush not impeached during his first term???? I suppose taking a country to war based on nothing but lies and then lying about the fact that you lied and then smirking it off as no big deal, as well as murdering thousands of innocent people, is much less an atrocity against the American people as say.... well, Clinton getting a blow job. Hmmm.....Um....hello???? Is any body out there? Can America hear me? Are your heads just empty?

Well, so Bush won this election because of his moral values. Good for him, glad to see that God is on Bush's side....maybe we should all go around and murder people and tell lies and then we can be just as blessed as he is. So a country that is fueled by the seperation of church and state is making a stand on morality. Can you be any more hypocritical. I can't stand you people anymore. Your driving me insane.

Lets touch on a simple moral subject......abortion. listen, its not your stay out of it. You want to argue that its an abomination of God...well, in the Bible it states that you have free will, your own agency so to speak. It also states that humans are not to judge one another.....remember that whole "if you have no sin then cast the first stone" story? Well, then.....shut up! If a woman wants to make "her" own decision to have an abortion....and a doctor wants to make "their" own decision to give it....then its between them and God. You need to take your eyes off of them and watch your kids for two minutes cause their smoking crack out in the ally behind my apartment.

Second subject. Same sex marriage.....again, not your body....stay out of it. You do not have the right to make decisions for other people. Its between them, their partners and God. Let it go...and get your fucking kids out of my back ally!

That fact that American people don't think that getting lied to and sent to a far away country to die is not reason enough to get some new leadership is beyond me. The world looks at us as a people who carefully select our now terrorist or going to be like...."well, they voted him in again.....must mean that they like him and the things that he stands, blow em' up." The blood of innocent people is now covering your hands....all you who voted for the redneck loose cannon who couldn't find is asshole with both hands and a map, who cannot pronounce words that he hears every day, empire building facist liar.

Your morality only goes as far as your pea brain, follower mentality lets it. Open up your eyes, your ears and your heart. You'll then see that you made a wrong choice. I hope that we are all still around when its over.


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