Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Please, Please, Please

Please, somebody give Bush a blowjob in the Oval office so we can impeach him. I'm begging you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Easter Bunny Hates You

Easter Bunny Hates You

Friday, April 14, 2006

Wendy's Spicey Chicken Sandwich

I just ate one and I can already tell that I will pay dearly for it. When you don't eat fast food for a long time then suddenly without warning you decide to partake your body treats it like a virus and rejects it. I feel sorry for the toilet that'll I'll be sitting on.

Nutional Data for Spicy Chicken Sandwich


Though Pearl Jam maybe the worst band in the world.... Ten was a great album.


Drink and Fuck as much as you can before we all die in the forementioned nuclear war. I would also suggest spending some time with the family. I disagree with the push-up training. I want to be such an out of shape pussy when they try to draft me that they don't even bother.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bush's approval ratings

Now, Mulchfire! could give a big fat "I told you so" to everyone. But, you don't listen to us anyway.

Real or Fake!?

I would love to believe this but i'm not sure I can. Somebody tell me if this is credible or not.

Bush doing his best impression of the no-neck bizarre baby:

Monday, April 03, 2006

Howard Zinn

Everyone should check Zinn out and listen to him lecture. He brings light to a lot of dark areas of American History. From a small age we're taught to believe what the authority tells us is right. Disagreeing or contesting is not unpatriotic as they would like you to believe. On the contrary, it is the essence of patriotism.

Check him out here: Howard Zinn